Showing prompts for March 11th, 2025 until March 31st, 2025.
Moments bright
#vsspoem prompt for March 31st, 2025: Curtain
On cloudy days,
Sunlight playing
Hide and seek —
Peeking through
Curtains dark
With warmth and a smile.
Milk machines,
#vsspoem prompt for March 30th, 2025: Juggle
That's what we have become —
Juggling numbers,
Balancing ledgers,
Cutting throats and corners
To optimize our spending power.
It is now survival 101.
Gently, gently,
#vsspoem prompt for March 29th, 2025: Gently
Taking on
The unforeseen
Long way back –
Baby steps.
Conflict wakes
#vsspoem prompt for March 29th, 2025: Stranger
The inner stranger —
Almost every resolution
Starts with letting go of anger.
Trouble is a wave,
#vsspoem prompt for March 27th, 2025: Constant
Happiness no constant —
Yet, either are reflections
Of how well we deal
With change.
#vsspoem prompt for March 26th, 2025: Trifle
Ebbing —
Nothing that
Needs to be
Compares to
Blessed rest
Past trifle.
Discomfort speaks,
#vsspoem prompt for March 25th, 2025: Discomfort
Yet, thoughts scream louder,
Drowning out the monologue —
How could I soothe your conscious
When you won't pause
To hear me out.
Lifeless rooms, musty air —
#vsspoem prompt for March 24th, 2025: Musty
This is where we lived our days.
Were this ever happiness,
It’s nothing without me.
Reminisce —
Paper, ink, frozen time,
Memories from days long gone
Awakening a part of me
I've not known for way too long.
So much remains the same,
#vsspoem prompt for March 22nd, 2025: Shift
Yet, everything has changed —
Shadows break away
From shifting light.
Eyes that speak
#vsspoem prompt for March 21st, 2025: Underhanded
What words ain't saying,
Underhanded conversations —
How dumb do you think I am?
Come heartbreak,
#vsspoem prompt for March 19th, 2025: Clarity
Come clarity —
You don't get to
Treat me that way
No more.
#vsspoem prompt for March 18th, 2025: Advertise
Within reach,
But advertised at
Too high a price?
Oh, honey,
Don't stress —
It is but money.
Empty goals —
#vsspoem prompt for March 17th, 2025: Finish
Gold, silver, bronze.
It's often not even
About the finish line.
How I love
#vsspoem prompt for March 16th, 2025: Saunter
To watch you saunter,
Hips a-swaying
Through the house —
My happy grin
And hungry eyes
Always follow you around.
Specks of light
#vsspoem prompt for March 15th, 2025: Speck
In skies all black —
It's not the dark
That catches our eyes.
Love in all the little things,
#vsspoem prompt for March 14th, 2025: Everyday
The gears moving our everyday.
Love in every look and smile
Sent my way —
You, my love, are happiness.
Waving flags
#vsspoem prompt for March 13th, 2025: Yell
On neutral ground —
Hot air support,
All bark, no bite.
Cowards have
The loudest mouths.
Yell and hide —
All bark, no bite.
Parting ways
#vsspoem prompt for March 12th, 2025: Cruelty
Cruelty-free —
Just ain't me.