
Showing prompts for July 4th, 2024 until July 23rd, 2024.

tantalizing, dismantle, heartbreak, token, overcome, demon, survive, disease, outright, straggler, naked, goodness, saga, submissive, momentum, defiant, scatter, gothic, fear, skewed
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Fifth Wall

Truman ain't  got nothin’ on us,
Fourth wall crowds,
Like, comment, cheer, and interact —
A maze of fifth walls,
Skewed mirrors of eternity,
Has us squirreling for recognition
Like mindless rats out for cheese.

#vsspoem prompt for July 23rd, 2024: Skewed


Fear comes
From those
Who wish
To lead.

#vsspoem prompt for July 22nd, 2024: Fear

Gothic Fever Dreams

Gothic fever dreams,
Madness dressed in shades of darkness —
If not rest, what do the wicked get
Once the lights have dimmed?

#vsspoem prompt for July 21st, 2024: Gothic

Outward Motion

I can't think of a word
That defines tragedy better.
Breakage with an outward motion —
Broken shards, no longer
Part of their whole,
Scattered and alone.

#vsspoem prompt for July 20th, 2024: Scatter

We Will Never

Freedom, so deceiving,
Ground races up to greet me.
Defiant 'till my last breath,
I yell
“We will never—”

#vsspoem prompt for July 19th, 2024: Defiant

The Little Things

It's the little things that shatter —
Tiny ripples moving oceans,
Drowning islands,
Breaking mountains,
Raising hell
When granted
Their momentum.

#vsspoem prompt for July 18th, 2024: Momentum

Factory Of Souls

Conditioned to be
Hesitant, submissive —
Is the world we see
As it's meant to be,
Or was it willed to become
This factory of souls?

#vsspoem prompt for July 17th, 2024: Submissive

The Drama

Living the saga,
Breathing the drama —
Entertain, or get the hell
Off my stage.

#vsspoem prompt for July 16th, 2024: Saga

Goodness Sake

Your life’s not mine,
We're not the same —
For goodness’ sake,
Please let it stay that way.

#vsspoem prompt for July 15th, 2024: Goodness

Naked Contempt

Naked contempt
Beneath a veneer of
Cosmetic respect —
Trust your haters.
They will never change.

#vsspoem prompt for July 14th, 2024: Naked

The Last

A desperate dance —
The last decent stragglers,
Staggering from hopeless cause
To fruitless effort,
Seeking hope in the abandoned
Ghettos of morality
Where none but the self-centric few,
Playing their typecast roles,
Can still afford the rent.

#vsspoem prompt for July 13th, 2024: Straggler

Swallowed Pride

Swallowed pride and
Outright caution —
Bittersweet the crown.

#vsspoem prompt for July 12th, 2024: Outright

Single Perspective

Humanity studied
From a single perspective,
Prepackaged morality
Aimed to distill life
In three dimensions —
The lost devour
What power preaches.
Theology, the insatiable
Quest for a maker,
A disease.

#vsspoem prompt for July 11th, 2024: Disease

Ruins of Happiness

What it takes to survive
And what it takes to succeed
Lie the ruins of happiness.

#vsspoem prompt for July 10th, 2024: Survive

The Windowsill

I watch the demons
On both sides of the windowsill
Holding the mirror of my mind —
On one side burn the fires
Through all that I control,
And the other side,
Though darker,
Is life.

#vsspoem prompt for July 9th, 2024: Demon

The Heart Remembers

Years and distance —
Real is real,
And real persists.
Worlds may break,
Dreams may shatter,
Blood may thin,
But true love
The heart remembers.

#vsspoem prompt for July 8th, 2024: Overcome

Keeping Up Appearances

I'll give it my best
Token effort,
Keeping up appearances —
Too drained
To even want to

#vsspoem prompt for July 7th, 2024: Token

Picture Of Me

I really like this picture of me,
At the edge of heartbreak —
You and me, destined for misery.
A perfect moment, heading for
Our darkest day, and yet,
Despite all that came after,
I still love this picture of me.

#vsspoem prompt for July 6th, 2024: Heartbreak ?


Think on what we have become.
Societies? Led communities —
Hierarchies designed to benefit
The privileged few on top.
Rich tapestries of cultures
Dismantled into one.

#vsspoem prompt for July 5th, 2024: Dismantle

Rocky Shores

Caught behind walls of lies,
Tainted truths so tantalizing —
Riding out the waves that brought us
To the rocky shores of doubt,
Anything not to lose our way,
Or drift any further out.

#vsspoem prompt for July 4th, 2024: Tantalizing
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