Showing prompts for February 21st, 2023 until March 11th, 2024.
At the basis of
#vsspoem prompt for March 11th, 2024: Basis
Both failure and success
Believing is repeating —
Say that again.
Solitude in happy doses,
#vsspoem prompt for March 10th, 2024: Dose
Planned vacations from the grind
Of all that includes others,
To reset the I.
Kindred souls inside
#vsspoem prompt for March 9th, 2024: Amiable
Clustered bubbles of tainted light,
Sharing an amiable hatred,
Watching the world distort.
If you're happy
#vsspoem prompt for March 8th, 2024: Happy
And you know it,
Teach me how.
It's hard not to love,
#vsspoem prompt for March 7th, 2024: Seldom
But harder not to hate
When life seldom gives,
And everyone takes.
A spark of sin
#vsspoem prompt for March 6th, 2024: Undergo
Like Winter's heart
Undergoing global warming —
It's not glowing yet,
But give it time.
Happiness impervious,
#vsspoem prompt for March 5th, 2024: Impervious
Abortive bids to shine —
All aboard the mimic-gimmick
Yellow central line.
Raised on values,
#vsspoem prompt for March 4th, 2024: Compel
Right and proper —
Moths compelled
To artificial light,
Opposite the true horizon.
Time, forever marching,
#vsspoem prompt for March 3rd, 2024: March
Mortal coils unwinding —
Only memories rewinding,
Seeking warmth to mute the cold
Of every dimming light.
Social calculus
#vsspoem prompt for March 2nd, 2024: Agree
Never agreed with me.
Negative squared —
Mirrored truths won't carry.
Bonsai morality,
#vsspoem prompt for March 1st, 2024: Sear
Trimmed to please —
Less is more.
Ideals cost,
And sears are cheap.
#vsspoem prompt for February 29th, 2024: Invigorating
Unhealthy beyond reason —
Invigorating nonetheless.
Rainy days
#vsspoem prompt for February 28th, 2024: Gruntled
In gruntled times —
Take a breath,
And find your smile.
Worms eyeing butterflies
#vsspoem prompt for February 27th, 2024: Worm
In envy,
Weaving dirt cocoons of self-delusion —
Willing change by waiting
For a moment never just quite right.
Devoted to the role of victim,
Life passes them by.
In a way it's still shiny
#vsspoem prompt for February 26th, 2024: Rubbish
Glass beads and trinkets —
What can't be consumed
Is rubbish.
Excavating the deepest scenes,
#vsspoem prompt for February 25th, 2024: Reminisce
Seeking treasure
In the rubble of normality —
Dumpster fire diving
For anything reminiscent
Of me.
Bleeding love,
#vsspoem prompt for February 24th, 2024: Lace
Spitting hatred —
Shouting white noise
Laced with echoes,
Not to be
Outdone or left behind.
Capitalist society —
#vsspoem prompt for February 23rd, 2024: Don
Debt with us,
Don our chains
And see
How free you'll be.
Life can't wait and
Hell’s a given.
Sin now, pay later.
Spirit wanes
#vsspoem prompt for February 22nd, 2024: Abstain
Where praise abstains.
Loud, his heart,
#vsspoem prompt for February 21st, 2023: Unbeknownst
Deaf her standards —
Each other's thoughts,
Misery defaulted.