Showing prompts for July 4th, 2024 until July 23rd, 2024.
Truman ain't got nothin’ on us,
#vsspoem prompt for July 23rd, 2024: Skewed
Fourth wall crowds,
Like, comment, cheer, and interact —
A maze of fifth walls,
Skewed mirrors of eternity,
Has us squirreling for recognition
Like mindless rats out for cheese.
Gothic fever dreams,
#vsspoem prompt for July 21st, 2024: Gothic
Madness dressed in shades of darkness —
If not rest, what do the wicked get
Once the lights have dimmed?
#vsspoem prompt for July 20th, 2024: Scatter
I can't think of a word
That defines tragedy better.
Breakage with an outward motion —
Broken shards, no longer
Part of their whole,
Scattered and alone.
Freedom, so deceiving,
#vsspoem prompt for July 19th, 2024: Defiant
Ground races up to greet me.
Defiant 'till my last breath,
I yell
“We will never—”
It's the little things that shatter —
#vsspoem prompt for July 18th, 2024: Momentum
Tiny ripples moving oceans,
Drowning islands,
Breaking mountains,
Raising hell
When granted
Their momentum.
Conditioned to be
#vsspoem prompt for July 17th, 2024: Submissive
Hesitant, submissive —
Is the world we see
As it's meant to be,
Or was it willed to become
This factory of souls?
Living the saga,
#vsspoem prompt for July 16th, 2024: Saga
Breathing the drama —
Entertain, or get the hell
Off my stage.
Your life’s not mine,
#vsspoem prompt for July 15th, 2024: Goodness
We're not the same —
For goodness’ sake,
Please let it stay that way.
Naked contempt
#vsspoem prompt for July 14th, 2024: Naked
Beneath a veneer of
Cosmetic respect —
Trust your haters.
They will never change.
A desperate dance —
#vsspoem prompt for July 13th, 2024: Straggler
The last decent stragglers,
Staggering from hopeless cause
To fruitless effort,
Seeking hope in the abandoned
Ghettos of morality
Where none but the self-centric few,
Playing their typecast roles,
Can still afford the rent.
Swallowed pride and
#vsspoem prompt for July 12th, 2024: Outright
Outright caution —
Bittersweet the crown.
Humanity studied
#vsspoem prompt for July 11th, 2024: Disease
From a single perspective,
Prepackaged morality
Aimed to distill life
In three dimensions —
The lost devour
What power preaches.
Theology, the insatiable
Quest for a maker,
A disease.
#vsspoem prompt for July 10th, 2024: Survive
What it takes to survive
And what it takes to succeed
Lie the ruins of happiness.
I watch the demons
#vsspoem prompt for July 9th, 2024: Demon
On both sides of the windowsill
Holding the mirror of my mind —
On one side burn the fires
Through all that I control,
And the other side,
Though darker,
Is life.
#vsspoem prompt for July 8th, 2024: Overcome
Years and distance —
Real is real,
And real persists.
Worlds may break,
Dreams may shatter,
Blood may thin,
But true love
The heart remembers.
I'll give it my best
#vsspoem prompt for July 7th, 2024: Token
Token effort,
Keeping up appearances —
Too drained
To even want to
I really like this picture of me,
#vsspoem prompt for July 6th, 2024: Heartbreak ?
At the edge of heartbreak —
You and me, destined for misery.
A perfect moment, heading for
Our darkest day, and yet,
Despite all that came after,
I still love this picture of me.
Think on what we have become.
Societies? Led communities —
Hierarchies designed to benefit
The privileged few on top.
Rich tapestries of cultures
Dismantled into one.#vsspoem prompt for July 5th, 2024: Dismantle
Caught behind walls of lies,
#vsspoem prompt for July 4th, 2024: Tantalizing
Tainted truths so tantalizing —
Riding out the waves that brought us
To the rocky shores of doubt,
Anything not to lose our way,
Or drift any further out.