
Showing prompts for January 16th, 2024 until February 4th, 2024.

house, weary, highlight, exit, vignette, fiction, mourn, pour, page, spend, apprehension, conquest, infidel, bedtime, human, trauma, drift, priceless, clairvoyant, solemn
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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The Rot

Solemnly life endures
The rot of supremacy.

#vsspoem prompt for February 4th, 2024: Solemn


Clairvoyant? Not particularly.
And no, you're not predictable —
It's just that you and I are circling
The same damn drain.

#vsspoem prompt for February 3rd, 2024: Clairvoyant

In Passing

A gift of dedicated time,
Of creativity, painstakingly
Perfected in the forge of passion —
Polished, priceless slices
Of an artist's soul and life,
Handed out, given feely.
But, yeah. Thank you
For that lazy ‘like’ in passing.

#vsspoem prompt for February 2nd, 2024: Priceless

The Anchor

Fear, the anchor —

#vsspoem prompt for February 1st, 2024: Drift


The lifeline,
The teacher,
The guide —
Leading away from
The pain we hide
In the darkest depths
Of our minds.

#vsspoem prompt for January 31st, 2024: Trauma

Being Human

What does it mean to be
Woman, man,
Or something in-between?
To be a black, Arab, Asian, Caucasian?
A straight, gay, bi- or a-sexual?
Not a damn thing —
We've become
So bloody obsessed
With the details
Of being Human.

#vsspoem prompt for January 30th, 2024: Human

Before Sleeping

No scary bedtime tale before sleeping,
It's claws and nails that make you bleed.
Only death may wake the dreamer —
Life's a nightmare for the living.

#vsspoem prompt for January 29th, 2024: Bedtime

I, Infidel

The serpent eats its tail —
A cage of self,
Of mirrored truths.
You, infidel,
I, infidel —
A hell of hate,
Of clashing fates,
No matter what we do.

#vsspoem prompt for January 28th, 2024: Infidel

Bitter Hearts

Bitter hearts, poisoned, betrayed,
Phantom longing aimed astray,
Set on winding, endless paths —
Kingdoms built on conquest,
Cultures forged from want.

#vsspoem prompt for January 27th, 2024: Conquest

Fear Invasion

Absent comprehension —
Ignorant the fear invasion.

#vsspoem prompt for January 26th, 2024: Apprehension

The Value of Plenty

The value of plenty
Only dawns
After spending.

#vsspoem prompt for January 25th, 2024: Spend

For The Dead

Call me what you will
Until my tale runs out of pages,
Then decide on one —
Names are for the dead.

#vsspoem prompt for January 24th, 2024: Page

Brand New Shapes

Reduced to tears,
I learned to pour myself
Into brand new shapes —
But still see
My old reflection.

#vsspoem prompt for January 23rd, 2024: Pour

Won In Blood

When won in blood,
Peace can't outlast
The mourning of its forging.

#vsspoem prompt for January 22nd, 2024: Mourn

Higher Standards

I don't watch the news —
I have way higher standards
For my fiction.

#vsspoem prompt for January 21st, 2024: Fiction

Karma Resume

So desperate to please —
Collecting participation vignettes
To pad a karma resume
Penned in red.

#vsspoem prompt for January 20th, 2023: Vignette

Exit Strategies

Social comparison,
A viral disease —
Validating, empowering
Assholes and cowards
To justify our exit strategies.
Is it any wonder
This ship is sinking?

#vsspoem prompt for January 19th, 2024: Exit

We Chose Before

A fork in the road,
We chose before, and poorly —
Fear highlights our faults.

#vsspoem prompt for January 17th, 2024: Highlight

New Formed Day

Weary drift my worries
From hellfire
To the shadows of
A new formed day.

#vsspoem prompt for January 18th, 2024: Weary

Dog House

In the dog house?
We should be so lucky.

#vsspoem prompt for January 16th, 2024: House
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