
Showing prompts for February 5th, 2024 until February 24th, 2024.

ritual, romance, belittle, erroneous, traverse, acronym, cough, mania, gospel, begone, squabble, entitled, tempo, sync, cellophane, absence, unbeknownst, abstain, don, lace
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Bleeding Love

Bleeding love,
Spitting hatred —
Shouting white noise
Laced with echoes,
Not to be
Outdone or left behind.

#vsspoem prompt for February 24th, 2024: Lace

Debt With Us

Capitalist society —
Debt with us,
Don our chains
And see
How free you'll be.
Life can't wait and
Hell’s a given.
Sin now, pay later.

#vsspoem prompt for February 23rd, 2024: Don

Spirit Wanes

Spirit wanes
Where praise abstains.

#vsspoem prompt for February 22nd, 2024: Abstain


Loud, his heart,
Deaf her standards —
Each other's thoughts,
Misery defaulted.

#vsspoem prompt for February 21st, 2023: Unbeknownst


To the desperate
There are answers
Even in absence
Of a question.

#vsspoem prompt for February 20th, 2024: Absence

Cellophane Promises

Cellophane promises,
Transparent, whisper thin —
Wrap me in your best intentions,
Fragile as a second skin.

#vsspoem prompt for February 19th, 2024: Cellophane

Sedated In Sync

I love you,
You numb me,
Sedated in sync —
Alive in slow motion,
No longer able
To give a single shit.

#vsspoem prompt for February 18th, 2024: Sync

Never Changing Beat

A brand new melody over
A never changing beat.
Time shifts in tempos,
Never rhythms.
Break, repeat. Break, repeat.

#vsspoem prompt for February 17th, 2024: Tempo

Human Times

The biggest curse of human times?
Entitlement, privilege, exploitation —
Born deadlocked into social classes
Built upon the shaky construct
Of yours and mine.

#vsspoem prompt for February 16th, 2024: Entitled

Shoulders Of Giants

Upon shoulders of giants —
Carried, ignorant and crying,
Squabbling, fighting,
Until we are
Old enough to steal.

#vsspoem prompt for February 15th, 2024: Squabble

Not Today

Not today, Satan,
But I'm oh so close,
So who knows —
Maybe tomorrow.
Not today, Satan,
Just not too far,
For maybe tomorrow
I'll be yours.

#vsspoem prompt for February 14th, 2024: Begone

The Gospel Of Me

Cherry picked verses,
The gospel of me.
Judge by the good book —
Not all of it,
Just the parts that match
The truths I choose to see.

#vsspoem prompt for February 13th, 2024: Gospel

Mania To My Moves

There's no method to my madness,
Though there's mania to my moves —
Biting off more than I can chew
I spit and swallow,
Leaving chaos in my wake,
Whichever path I choose to follow.

#vsspoem prompt for February 12th, 2024: Mania


Please hold
While we
Ignore you —
Avoiding *cough*
Your call is very important to us.

#vsspoem prompt for February 11th, 2024: Cough

Dear Consumer

Dear consumer,
We don't care about you —
There's a reason that
The acronym for
Frequently asked questions
Sounds a whole lot like…

#vsspoem prompt for February 10th, 2024: Acronym

Darkest Brightsides

Darkest brightsides —
My hell, my life,
My choice, my time.

#vsspoem prompt for February 9th, 2024: Traverse

Faulty Wires

Faulty wires,
Erroneous minds—
When it comes to
Wasting time,
A little faith
Goes a long way.

#vsspoem prompt for February 8th, 2024: Erroneous


Solitary anti-dogma crusader,
Cockroached resistance leader.
Fate-denied, stigmatized,
Beat, belittled, shamed —
Unashamed, undefeated.

#vsspoem prompt for February 7th, 2024: Belittle

Not Meant To Be

A romance not meant to be,
Aimed for the moon —
I grabbed on to its mavity,
Swung round, and let it ride.
Fuck it.
Let death bridge the divide.

#vsspoem prompt for February 6th, 2024: Romance

Ritual Endurance

Ritual endurance —
STFU, you amateur.
We're supposed to feel like shit.

#vsspoem prompt for February 5th, 2024: Ritual
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