
Showing prompts for June 1st, 2024 until June 20th, 2024.

chime, implausible, illuminate, fable, vocal, logic, lesser, content, decade, climate, batter, profanity, critique, puzzle, withdrawal, captivate, detriment, infringe, location, skepticism
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Those Who Should Know Better

Intellectualism —
The curious phenomenon
That blinds those
Who should know better
Through ironclad conventions
And cultural skepticism.

#vsspoem prompt for June 20th, 2024: Skepticism


I know
You are watching
When the moon
Is in the wrong location.

#vsspoem prompt for June 19th, 2024: Location

Intrinsic Values

All and any intrinsic values
Indiscriminately infringed upon —
None of us entitled to special dispensation,
None of us elevated by moral law.

#vsspoem prompt for June 18th, 2024: Infringe

Good Intentions

Detrimental good intentions,
Out of heaven, into hell —
Routes this regular commuter’s
Come to know far too well.

#vsspoem prompt for June 17th, 2024: Detriment

The Death of an Age

Captivated —
The death of an age
Was never
So entertaining.

#vsspoem prompt for June 26th, 2024: Captivate

Hope Needs Light

Life withdrawal,
Hope needs light —
Struggling on
Unfamiliar ground.
After all,
We never started
At rock bottom.

#vsspoem prompt for June 15th, 2024: Withdrawal

Broken Puzzle

Sanity, a broken puzzle,
Forcing us to
Fill in the blanks,
But at what cost?
I can't be bothered
With the hussle.

#vsspoem prompt for June 14th, 2024: Puzzle

What Poetry Is

Thanks for your
Heartfelt critique,
But, no. Just no —
I may not fit the mold,
But you don't get to tell me
What poetry is.


Nothing's more relaxing
Than some well deserved

#vsspoem prompt for June 12th, 2024: Profanity

Cracks In Our Truth

Fractured faith,
What's been seen
Cannot be unseen —
Battered with
The force of reason,
In the absence of belief
Cracks in our truth
Become the light.

#vsspoem prompt for June 11th, 2024: Batter

Behind Our Fear

The wall,
The dikes,
The morals,
Sheltered from
The world
Behind our fear —
The ozone’s whole,
The waters level,
While the climate
Keeps on changing.

#vsspoem prompt for June 10th, 2024: Climate

Up In Letters

Half a decade up in letters —
Some days fast and vanilla,
But usually they're
Deeper, thoughtful,
And, well, overall better.
Either way, thank you
For having words with me.

#vsspoem prompt for June 9th, 2024: Decade

Going Mad

Dangerous, I must be
Going mad —
Against all odds,
I am content.

#vsspoem prompt for June 8th, 2024: Content

Lesser Instincts

Driven by the lesser instincts,
Lizard locked away the monkey man —
I'll be chilling in the backseat
Until I am myself again.

#vsspoem prompt for June 7th, 2024: Lesser

Strings Of Logic

Pulling loose strings of logic,
Knowing that they might unravel
Life — if not the very fabric
Of existence as we know it —
Still, not giving a single damn.

#vsspoem prompt for June 6th, 2024: Logic

Painting The Sky

Silent majorities
Building the world,
Vocal minorities
Painting the sky —
Wake up and smell
The bullshit.

#vsspoem prompt for June 5th, 2024: Vocal

Diminishing Returns

Fabled primetime games of chance
With fast diminishing returns.
Fool me once shame on me —
But then again, I’ll never learn.

#vsspoem prompt for June 4th, 2024: Fable

Tiny One

Rest easy, tiny one.
I see you,
And I've got your back.
I've come
Carrying torches
To illuminate you —
You precious
Little known fact.

#vsspoem prompt for June 3rd, 2024: Illuminate

The Cards You Have

Dream of possibilities,
How to optimize
The cards you have,
Not implausibilities —
How to change
Your entire hand.

#vsspoem prompt for June 2nd, 2024: Implausible

A Fine Day

Bell songs chiming,
The dead and dying —
What a fine day
Not to feel alive.

#vsspoem prompt for June 1st, 2024: Chime
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