
Showing prompts for April 21st, 2024 until May 10th, 2024.

outweigh, ingrain, harbinger, tumultuous, thrash, mediocre, righteous, unfair, paralyze, key, demeanor, wary, immaculate, discontent, ray, token, livid, detour, signature, virgin
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Virgin Season

Sun baking shifting sands,
Yet another virgin season
Of rebirth has arrived —
Skies clear,
And the world comes alive.

#vsspoem prompt for May 10th, 2024: Virgin

Heat Signatures

Eyes meeting,
Evading —
Heat signatures
In the cold, cold
Crowded room.

#vsspoem prompt for May 9th, 2024: Signature

Stardust Oaths

Stardust oaths in daylight,
Empty as the summer sky —
Weaker moments taking detours
Into unexpected lives.

#vsspoem prompt for May 8th, 2024: Detour

Never Livid

Ever balanced on my limits,
Melancholy, never livid —
Try me. I may mind,
But will never let it show.

#vsspoem prompt of May 7th, 2024: Livid


Timed attention lacking passion,
Token displays of affection —
Acting out the parts
We never felt.

#vsspoem prompt for May 6th, 2024: Token

Healing Rays

Healing rays,
Warming smiles —
Spring is here
In full force,
And the world
At long last
Feels alright.

#vsspoem prompt for May 5th, 2024: Ray

Not Brave Enough

Afraid to do,
Scared to act —
Discontentment feedback loop.
Not brave enough,
And miserable.

#vsspoem prompt for May 4th, 2024: #Discontent

Childhood's End

Childhood’s end,
Innocence immaculate —
Unspoiled, yet
Eager to cross
The black ink line
To live the consequence beyond.

#vsspoem prompt for May 3rd, 2024: Immaculate

Pretty Curtains

Let near, but never
Close enough,
Darkened rooms
With pretty curtains —
Wary, but never certain
What goes on
Behind those tastefully
Painted walls.

#vsspoem prompt for May 2nd, 2024: Wary

Houses Of Demeanor

We waste lifetimes building
Houses of demeanor
On intangible foundations
Of hope and fear.

#vsspoem prompt for May 1st, 2024: Demeanor

Hold The Keys

After seats
Not meant for us —
We hold the keys,
But not the locks.

#vsspoem prompt for April 30th, 2024: Key

Veiled Obsession

That purpose is
Veiled obsession
Is a paralyzing truth
We cannot learn until —
Through success or failure —
We no longer have it.

#vsspoem prompt for April 29th, 2024: Paralyze

Plain Unfair

Make it plain unfair,
And they'll never join in —
But make it a game,
And they'll want to win.

#vsspoem prompt for April 28th, 2024: Unfair

Monsters On A Leash

Self-proclaimed righteous,
Reigned in with the threat of
Damnation and hellfire —
Merely monsters on a leash.

#vsspoem prompt for April 27th, 2024: Righteous

Mediocre Days

Medium hopes
For mediocre days —
And it shows.

#vsspoem prompt for April 26th, 2024: Mediocre

Liquid Wisdom

Shame, paling,
Stuck in the backseat —
Uncorked liquid wisdom
Defending the pink elephant
Thrashing the room.

#vsspoem prompt for April 25th, 2024: Thrash

Like The Ocean

Like the ocean,
Deep, tumultuous,
Unfathomably wide —
Right here, right now,
Such is my love
For you.

#vsspoem prompt for April 24th, 2024: Tumultuous

The Death Of Reason

Laws of relativity,
Socially applied.
Raised to always get our way,
We've lived to see
The death of reason —
Better lives we never earned
Of harder times to come.

#vsspoem prompt for April 23rd, 2024: Harbinger

Live, Care, Die

Socially ingrained —
Live for your fathers,
Care for your mothers,
Die for your fellow men.

#vsspoem prompt for April 22nd, 2024: Ingrain

Will The World

My grief, my pain
Outweigh all else —
I rage, I scream,
And will the world
To stop.

#vsspoem prompt for April 21st, 2024: Outweigh
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