Showing prompts for April 21st, 2024 until May 10th, 2024.
Sun baking shifting sands,
#vsspoem prompt for May 10th, 2024: Virgin
Yet another virgin season
Of rebirth has arrived —
Skies clear,
And the world comes alive.
Eyes meeting,
#vsspoem prompt for May 9th, 2024: Signature
Evading —
Heat signatures
In the cold, cold
Crowded room.
Stardust oaths in daylight,
#vsspoem prompt for May 8th, 2024: Detour
Empty as the summer sky —
Weaker moments taking detours
Into unexpected lives.
Ever balanced on my limits,
#vsspoem prompt of May 7th, 2024: Livid
Melancholy, never livid —
Try me. I may mind,
But will never let it show.
Timed attention lacking passion,
#vsspoem prompt for May 6th, 2024: Token
Token displays of affection —
Acting out the parts
We never felt.
Healing rays,
#vsspoem prompt for May 5th, 2024: Ray
Warming smiles —
Spring is here
In full force,
And the world
At long last
Feels alright.
Afraid to do,
#vsspoem prompt for May 4th, 2024: #Discontent
Scared to act —
Discontentment feedback loop.
Not brave enough,
And miserable.
Childhood’s end,
#vsspoem prompt for May 3rd, 2024: Immaculate
Innocence immaculate —
Unspoiled, yet
Eager to cross
The black ink line
To live the consequence beyond.
Let near, but never
#vsspoem prompt for May 2nd, 2024: Wary
Close enough,
Darkened rooms
With pretty curtains —
Wary, but never certain
What goes on
Behind those tastefully
Painted walls.
We waste lifetimes building
#vsspoem prompt for May 1st, 2024: Demeanor
Houses of demeanor
On intangible foundations
Of hope and fear.
After seats
#vsspoem prompt for April 30th, 2024: Key
Not meant for us —
We hold the keys,
But not the locks.
That purpose is
#vsspoem prompt for April 29th, 2024: Paralyze
Veiled obsession
Is a paralyzing truth
We cannot learn until —
Through success or failure —
We no longer have it.
Make it plain unfair,
#vsspoem prompt for April 28th, 2024: Unfair
And they'll never join in —
But make it a game,
And they'll want to win.
Self-proclaimed righteous,
#vsspoem prompt for April 27th, 2024: Righteous
Reigned in with the threat of
Damnation and hellfire —
Merely monsters on a leash.
Medium hopes
#vsspoem prompt for April 26th, 2024: Mediocre
For mediocre days —
And it shows.
Shame, paling,
#vsspoem prompt for April 25th, 2024: Thrash
Stuck in the backseat —
Uncorked liquid wisdom
Defending the pink elephant
Thrashing the room.
Like the ocean,
#vsspoem prompt for April 24th, 2024: Tumultuous
Deep, tumultuous,
Unfathomably wide —
Right here, right now,
Such is my love
For you.
Laws of relativity,
#vsspoem prompt for April 23rd, 2024: Harbinger
Socially applied.
Raised to always get our way,
We've lived to see
The death of reason —
Better lives we never earned
Of harder times to come.
#vsspoem prompt for April 22nd, 2024: Ingrain
Socially ingrained —
Live for your fathers,
Care for your mothers,
Die for your fellow men.
My grief, my pain
#vsspoem prompt for April 21st, 2024: Outweigh
Outweigh all else —
I rage, I scream,
And will the world
To stop.