
Showing prompts for January 23rd, 2025 until February 11th, 2025.

brand, inability, serendipity, anchor, intermission, imprint, deliberate, unguided, tolerance, showtime, frozen, entwine, rocky, bruise, loom, tinder, loving, tremble, corrode, volatile
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Bubble Wrapped Magic

Bubble wrapped magic,
Glass dreams, too volatile,
Frail avalanche of
Emotional destruction —
Take the fucking safety
And let me live.

#vsspoem prompt for February 11th, 2025: Volatile

Ebs And Flows

Water ebs and flows,
Crashes into,
Drowns, corrodes,
Always finds a way
To go around,
Or through, or over.
Just like life,
Just like love.

#vsspoem prompt for February 10th, 2025: Corrode

Feel It Tremble

Our worlds, a knot,
All bound together.
Brush a string,
Feel it tremble
Through all that we love —
All we kept,
And all we lost.

Who Needs Sleep

Dreams to live,
Loving to do —
Who needs sleep
If I have you?

#vsspoem prompt for February 8th, 2025: Loving

Casting Sparks

The fuse and the flame,
A dance around the tinder —
Flirting, teasing,
Casting sparks
To burn the house down again.

#vsspoem prompt for February 7th, 2025: Tinder

Freedom Looms

You and I,
Punch through,
Punch through —
The end is nigh,
Freedom looms.

#vsspoem prompt for February 6th, 2025: Loom

Loose Ends

Loose ends and paper trails,
Through the marshes
To my happy place,
Cut and bruised,
But with a big smile on my face.

#vsspoem prompt for February 5th, 2025: Bruise

The Rocky Shore

Up and down,
Your moods an ocean,
Always trying
To rock the boat —
But I’ve become
The rocky shore
That breaks the waves.
I'm done.

#vsspoem prompt for February 4th, 2025: Rocky

Lives Entwined

Lives entwined
In strands of time
Barely long enough to measure,
Yet, we both already feel
That I am yours,
And you are mine.

#vsspoem prompt for February 3rd, 2025: Entwine

Know Happiness

Golden dawn in ghostly veil
Sets the frozen earth aglow —
I marvel at its wonder
And know happiness.

#vsspoem prompt for February 2nd, 2025: Frozen


All eyes on me,
The stage is mine —
It's showtime.

#vsspoem prompt for February 1st, 2025: Showtime

Running On Empty

My patience,
My tolerance,
Deeper than many,
But even I am
Running on empty.

#vsspoem prompt for January 31st, 2025: Tolerance

For The Light

Fate, the divide
Between plans
And intention,
The unguided hand
That decides which desires
Are not meant for the light.

#vsspoem prompt for January 30th, 2025: Unguided

Bright In Promise

Deliberate steps
Towards a future
Bright in promise —
I will not let
All that once claimed me
Hold me back
From what I want.

#vsspoem prompt for January 29th, 2025: Deliberate

You're Everywhere

Imprints of affection
Echo in absence —
Even not here,
You're everywhere.

#vsspoem prompt for January 28th, 2025: Imprint

The Tale Of You And I

Parting with a smile —
The tale of you and I
Will continue soon.
This is not goodbye,
Merely intermission.

#vsspoem prompt for January 27th, 2025: Intermission

Anchors Up

Set sail in open waters
Under clouds that fly on by —
Anchors up, nothing will stop us,
But these waves may take a while.

#vsspoem prompt for January 26th, 2025: Anchor

In Storm And Rain

So small, yet, so
Profoundly alive.
Looking up
In storm and rain,
To watch the thunderheads
Fly by,
Happily joined
In blessed serendipity —
We're stronger than this,
You and I.
This too, we shall survive.

#vsspoem prompt for January 25th, 2025: Serendipity

New Realities

Crippling agony,
Blinding inability —
Not accepting new realities.

#vsspoem prompt for January 24th, 2025: Inability

A Promise Of Eternity

A promise of eternity,
Captured in a sea of love —
Meet my eyes and smile
A brand new world for me.

#vsspoem prompt for January 23rd, 2025: Brand
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