Showing prompts for January 23rd, 2025 until February 11th, 2025.
Bubble wrapped magic,
#vsspoem prompt for February 11th, 2025: Volatile
Glass dreams, too volatile,
Frail avalanche of
Emotional destruction —
Take the fucking safety
And let me live.
Water ebs and flows,
#vsspoem prompt for February 10th, 2025: Corrode
Crashes into,
Drowns, corrodes,
Always finds a way
To go around,
Or through, or over.
Just like life,
Just like love.
Our worlds, a knot,
All bound together.
Brush a string,
Feel it tremble
Through all that we love —
All we kept,
And all we lost.
Dreams to live,
#vsspoem prompt for February 8th, 2025: Loving
Loving to do —
Who needs sleep
If I have you?
The fuse and the flame,
#vsspoem prompt for February 7th, 2025: Tinder
A dance around the tinder —
Flirting, teasing,
Casting sparks
To burn the house down again.
You and I,
#vsspoem prompt for February 6th, 2025: Loom
Punch through,
Punch through —
The end is nigh,
Freedom looms.
Loose ends and paper trails,
#vsspoem prompt for February 5th, 2025: Bruise
Through the marshes
To my happy place,
Cut and bruised,
But with a big smile on my face.
Up and down,
#vsspoem prompt for February 4th, 2025: Rocky
Your moods an ocean,
Always trying
To rock the boat —
But I’ve become
The rocky shore
That breaks the waves.
I'm done.
Lives entwined
#vsspoem prompt for February 3rd, 2025: Entwine
In strands of time
Barely long enough to measure,
Yet, we both already feel
That I am yours,
And you are mine.
Golden dawn in ghostly veil
#vsspoem prompt for February 2nd, 2025: Frozen
Sets the frozen earth aglow —
I marvel at its wonder
And know happiness.
All eyes on me,
#vsspoem prompt for February 1st, 2025: Showtime
The stage is mine —
It's showtime.
My patience,
#vsspoem prompt for January 31st, 2025: Tolerance
My tolerance,
Deeper than many,
But even I am
Running on empty.
Fate, the divide
#vsspoem prompt for January 30th, 2025: Unguided
Between plans
And intention,
The unguided hand
That decides which desires
Are not meant for the light.
Deliberate steps
#vsspoem prompt for January 29th, 2025: Deliberate
Towards a future
Bright in promise —
I will not let
All that once claimed me
Hold me back
From what I want.
Imprints of affection
#vsspoem prompt for January 28th, 2025: Imprint
Echo in absence —
Even not here,
You're everywhere.
Parting with a smile —
#vsspoem prompt for January 27th, 2025: Intermission
The tale of you and I
Will continue soon.
This is not goodbye,
Merely intermission.
Set sail in open waters
#vsspoem prompt for January 26th, 2025: Anchor
Under clouds that fly on by —
Anchors up, nothing will stop us,
But these waves may take a while.
So small, yet, so
#vsspoem prompt for January 25th, 2025: Serendipity
Profoundly alive.
Looking up
In storm and rain,
To watch the thunderheads
Fly by,
Happily joined
In blessed serendipity —
We're stronger than this,
You and I.
This too, we shall survive.
Crippling agony,
#vsspoem prompt for January 24th, 2025: Inability
Blinding inability —
Not accepting new realities.
A promise of eternity,
#vsspoem prompt for January 23rd, 2025: Brand
Captured in a sea of love —
Meet my eyes and smile
A brand new world for me.