
Showing prompts for December 20th, 2023 until January 8th, 2024.

confines, incandescent, dinner, transpose, prejudice, sentiment, bullet, statistic, humane, resolute, block, pasture, current, sarcasm, souvenir, pave, rot, dignity, mantra, forage
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Foraging through motivations —
Faded, yellowed, half-forgotten,
Trying to find the strength
To carry on.

#vsspoem prompt for January 8th, 2024: Forage

Like A Mantra

Sanity dubbed and subbed,
Chanting ethos like a mantra —
Drowning out estranged reason’s
White noised foreign language.

#vsspoem prompt for January 7th, 2024: Mantra

Granted Time

The irony of
Granted time
Consuming precious shelf life —
Dignity a price too steep,
A bridge too far.

#vsspoem prompt for January 6th, 2024: Dignity

Rotten Lemons

Optimism can only
Go so far —
What can you do
When life keeps giving you
Rotten lemons?

#vsspoem prompt for January 5th, 2024: Rot

Paved And Owned

The road ahead
Is paved and owned.
Favors only last so long
Without funds,
Without friends,
Without family —
And the toll is steep.

#vsspoem prompt for January 4th, 2024: Pave

Souvenir Sin

Souvenir vice
And collectable sin —
Don't diss it ‘till you've tried it.
One taste,
And I'll be serving you again.

#vsspoem prompt for January 3rd, 2023: Souvenir

A Substantial Line

There's a substantial line
Between sarcasm and assholery,
Which often correlates
With intellect.

#vsspoem prompt for January 2nd, 2024: Sarcasm

Win At Life

Happiness is not a constant,
Nor is it a given.
Dive deep,
Ride time's currents,
Grasp those moments
Where you find them —
But remember,
This is not a game of
Win at life.

#vsspoem prompt for January 1st, 2024: Current

At Pasture

Fractured potential,
A species at pasture —
Growing fat on
The last remaining riches
Of a long lost golden age.

#vsspoem prompt for December 31st, 2023: Pasture

Full Of Sunshine

I'm doing quite well,
Thank you very much.
Positivity at rock bottom —
I've got a piss bucket
Full of sunshine,
And two cotton wads
To block the smell.

#vsspoem prompt for December 30th, 2023: Block

Keep The Sickness In

To save a world
Beyond healing,
Wearing masks to keep
The sickness in.

#vsspoem prompt for December 29th, 2023: Resolute

The Humane Way

Give and take
The humane way —
Listen to reason,
Then reason to live.

#vsspoem prompt for December 28th, 2023: Humane

A Statistic

Kept within our demographics,
God forbid we break the mold —
Happiness a mere statistic,
More a median than a goal.

#vsspoem prompt for December 27th, 2023: Statistic

Counting Bullets

Counting bullets from the trenches,
Willing the world to sleep —
Silent night, holy night,
Stars above, grant us peace.

#vsspoem prompt for December 26th, 2023: Bullet

Comfort In Darkness

A thousand times rewritten;
Winter solstice
Festival of light.
Yet, the sentiment remains —
Comfort in darkness,
Regardless beneath which
Politics, religion, ideology
It hides.

#vsspoem prompt for December 25th, 2023: Sentiment

What Is Change

Chaos born,
What is change, truly?
We thought the world
An unfair place —
Of privilege,
Of prejudice.
Little did we show.

#vsspoem prompt for December 24th, 2023: Prejudice

Changing Color

White pills changing color,
Switching voices for the pain,
Never altering its loudness —
Transposed, remixed, orchestrated,
Yet, my body screams
The same.

#vsspoem prompt for December 23rd, 2023: Transpose

Prefab Meals

Heating prefab dinners
In otherwise unused kitchens.
It feeds, sure.
But a meal
Should be so much more.

#vsspoem prompt for December 22nd, 2023: Dinner

Pain Incandescent

Hot and cold
Pain incandescent,
Sharp and dulling
Signals blinding —
Binding, begging,
Leaving me incapable
To act.

#vsspoem prompt for December 21st, 2023: Incandescent

The Art of Control

The art of
Control —
Do as you like,
So long it’s within
The confines
Of what you've been told.

#vsspoem prompt for December 20th, 2023: Confines
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