Showing prompts for February 1st, 2024 until February 20th, 2024.
To the desperate
#vsspoem prompt for February 20th, 2024: Absence
There are answers
Even in absence
Of a question.
Cellophane promises,
#vsspoem prompt for February 19th, 2024: Cellophane
Transparent, whisper thin —
Wrap me in your best intentions,
Fragile as a second skin.
I love you,
#vsspoem prompt for February 18th, 2024: Sync
You numb me,
Sedated in sync —
Alive in slow motion,
No longer able
To give a single shit.
A brand new melody over
#vsspoem prompt for February 17th, 2024: Tempo
A never changing beat.
Time shifts in tempos,
Never rhythms.
Break, repeat. Break, repeat.
The biggest curse of human times?
#vsspoem prompt for February 16th, 2024: Entitled
Entitlement, privilege, exploitation —
Born deadlocked into social classes
Built upon the shaky construct
Of yours and mine.
Upon shoulders of giants —
#vsspoem prompt for February 15th, 2024: Squabble
Carried, ignorant and crying,
Squabbling, fighting,
Until we are
Old enough to steal.
Not today, Satan,
#vsspoem prompt for February 14th, 2024: Begone
But I'm oh so close,
So who knows —
Maybe tomorrow.
Not today, Satan,
Just not too far,
For maybe tomorrow
I'll be yours.
Cherry picked verses,
#vsspoem prompt for February 13th, 2024: Gospel
The gospel of me.
Judge by the good book —
Not all of it,
Just the parts that match
The truths I choose to see.
There's no method to my madness,
#vsspoem prompt for February 12th, 2024: Mania
Though there's mania to my moves —
Biting off more than I can chew
I spit and swallow,
Leaving chaos in my wake,
Whichever path I choose to follow.
Please hold
#vsspoem prompt for February 11th, 2024: Cough
While we
Ignore you —
Avoiding *cough*
Your call is very important to us.
Dear consumer,
#vsspoem prompt for February 10th, 2024: Acronym
We don't care about you —
There's a reason that
The acronym for
Frequently asked questions
Sounds a whole lot like…
#vsspoem prompt for February 9th, 2024: Traverse
Darkest brightsides —
My hell, my life,
My choice, my time.
Faulty wires,
#vsspoem prompt for February 8th, 2024: Erroneous
Erroneous minds—
When it comes to
Wasting time,
A little faith
Goes a long way.
Solitary anti-dogma crusader,
#vsspoem prompt for February 7th, 2024: Belittle
Cockroached resistance leader.
Fate-denied, stigmatized,
Beat, belittled, shamed —
Unashamed, undefeated.
A romance not meant to be,
#vsspoem prompt for February 6th, 2024: Romance
Aimed for the moon —
I grabbed on to its mavity,
Swung round, and let it ride.
Fuck it.
Let death bridge the divide.
Ritual endurance —
#vsspoem prompt for February 5th, 2024: Ritual
STFU, you amateur.
We're supposed to feel like shit.
Clairvoyant? Not particularly.
#vsspoem prompt for February 3rd, 2024: Clairvoyant
And no, you're not predictable —
It's just that you and I are circling
The same damn drain.
A gift of dedicated time,
#vsspoem prompt for February 2nd, 2024: Priceless
Of creativity, painstakingly
Perfected in the forge of passion —
Polished, priceless slices
Of an artist's soul and life,
Handed out, given feely.
But, yeah. Thank you
For that lazy ‘like’ in passing.
Fear, the anchor —
#vsspoem prompt for February 1st, 2024: Drift