
Showing prompts for November 4th, 2024 until November 22nd, 2024.

bleed, naught, pretend, people, reshape, straight, corner, separation, parallel, unless, insist, sympathize, etiquette, retcon, adventure, audience, beat, contingency, grace, immortal
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Our Immortal Soul

Art stops
Striving for beauty
When reflecting
The dark that is
Our immortal soul.

#vsspoem prompt for November 22nd, 2024: Immortal

By Her Grace

There's her and her needs,
Then there's us
And what we can do
To please her —
By her grace,
That's her world
We live in.
At least,
That's how she sees it.

#vsspoem prompt for November 21st, 2024: Grace

Just In Case

Maintaining contingencies,
Just in case
The worst takes place,
At the cost of living
All the time we waste this way.

#vsspoem prompt for November 20th, 2024: Contingency

Ever Taking

Beaten by life,
Broken by the living —
Ever taking, never giving.

#vsspoem prompt for November 19th, 2024: Beat


It was never about us —
Spotlights on the stage
To keep the audience
In darkness.

#vsspoem prompt for November 18th, 2024: Audience

What Adventure

Evicted from my comfort zone,
Forced to turn the wheels of change —
Mournful, yet excited
What adventure comes my way.

#vsspoem prompt for November 17th, 2024: Adventure

Edit Black

History selective,
Cultural memory defective —
Ancestry, legacy, and heritage
Buried under edit black
Retconned to support
The forward thinking few.

#vsspoem prompt for November 16th, 2024: Retcon

Once Shared

Is there such a thing
As etiquette
Of letting go,
Of breaking up
Of moving on,
Treading on the shards
Of a once shared
And treasured past
Now dead and gone?

#vsspoem prompt for November 15th, 2024: Etiquette

Behind A Mirror

My feelings
Safely shielded
Behind a mirror —
I sympathize.
I didn't like
What you showed me

#vsspoem prompt for November 14th, 2024: Sympathize

How It Is

When I tell you
How it is,
That's no suggestion —
I'm afraid
I must insist.

#vsspoem prompt for November 13th, 2024: Insist

Done Playing

Aware of who I am
And what I'm not
Without illusions,
From this point on
No choice unless
I chose it —
It is just me
And I'm done playing.
This is how we're gonna do it.

#vsspoem prompt for November 12th, 2024: Unless

Sudden Exit

Through hell and high water,
For years, side by side
We traveled life’s highway
Together —
It took your recent
Sudden exit to realize
We were only ever

#vsspoem prompt for November 11th, 2024: Parallel

Falling Sensations

Falling sensations,
Not easier,
More distant —
The absence of reason
Once you have reached
The last degree of separation.

#vsspoem prompt for November 10th, 2024: Separation

Around The Corner

After years of trying,
I found out happiness
Lived just around the corner,
But none of it was mine.

#vsspoem prompt for November 9th, 2024: Corner


Can't look into your head,
But can see straight into your heart,
And what I see isn't love —
It's short-term want.

#vsspoem prompt for November 9th, 2024: Straight

Stay With Me

Pain reshaped to melancholy,
Heartbreak drowned in melody —
Winds of change softly sing
You'll be alright,
Just keep up
And stay with me.

#vsspoem prompt for November 8th, 2024: Reshape

Raised On Lies

A people
Raised on lies
Won't be bothered
By a couple more.

#vsspoem prompt for November 7th, 2024: People

Carried You

Until you found
Your legs, for years,
I carried you,
And then you ran away —
Don't pretend
You did not use me.

#vsspoem prompt for November 6th, 2024: Pretend

Waiting For The Sun

Waiting for the sun,
Behind the clouds
Naught but blue.

#vsspoem prompt for November 5th, 2024: Naught

Bleeding Constants

Bleeding constants,
Lost our way —
Were it real
It would not ever

#vsspoem prompt for November 4th, 2024: Bleed
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