Showing prompts for November 4th, 2024 until November 22nd, 2024.
Art stops
#vsspoem prompt for November 22nd, 2024: Immortal
Striving for beauty
When reflecting
The dark that is
Our immortal soul.
There's her and her needs,
#vsspoem prompt for November 21st, 2024: Grace
Then there's us
And what we can do
To please her —
By her grace,
That's her world
We live in.
At least,
That's how she sees it.
Maintaining contingencies,
#vsspoem prompt for November 20th, 2024: Contingency
Just in case
The worst takes place,
At the cost of living
All the time we waste this way.
Beaten by life,
#vsspoem prompt for November 19th, 2024: Beat
Broken by the living —
Ever taking, never giving.
It was never about us —
#vsspoem prompt for November 18th, 2024: Audience
Spotlights on the stage
To keep the audience
In darkness.
Evicted from my comfort zone,
#vsspoem prompt for November 17th, 2024: Adventure
Forced to turn the wheels of change —
Mournful, yet excited
What adventure comes my way.
History selective,
#vsspoem prompt for November 16th, 2024: Retcon
Cultural memory defective —
Ancestry, legacy, and heritage
Buried under edit black
Retconned to support
The forward thinking few.
Is there such a thing
#vsspoem prompt for November 15th, 2024: Etiquette
As etiquette
Of letting go,
Of breaking up
Of moving on,
Treading on the shards
Of a once shared
And treasured past
Now dead and gone?
My feelings
#vsspoem prompt for November 14th, 2024: Sympathize
Safely shielded
Behind a mirror —
I sympathize.
I didn't like
What you showed me
When I tell you
#vsspoem prompt for November 13th, 2024: Insist
How it is,
That's no suggestion —
I'm afraid
I must insist.
Aware of who I am
#vsspoem prompt for November 12th, 2024: Unless
And what I'm not
Without illusions,
From this point on
No choice unless
I chose it —
It is just me
And I'm done playing.
This is how we're gonna do it.
Through hell and high water,
#vsspoem prompt for November 11th, 2024: Parallel
For years, side by side
We traveled life’s highway
Together —
It took your recent
Sudden exit to realize
We were only ever
Falling sensations,
#vsspoem prompt for November 10th, 2024: Separation
Not easier,
More distant —
The absence of reason
Once you have reached
The last degree of separation.
After years of trying,
#vsspoem prompt for November 9th, 2024: Corner
I found out happiness
Lived just around the corner,
But none of it was mine.
Can't look into your head,
#vsspoem prompt for November 9th, 2024: Straight
But can see straight into your heart,
And what I see isn't love —
It's short-term want.
Pain reshaped to melancholy,
#vsspoem prompt for November 8th, 2024: Reshape
Heartbreak drowned in melody —
Winds of change softly sing
You'll be alright,
Just keep up
And stay with me.
A people
#vsspoem prompt for November 7th, 2024: People
Raised on lies
Won't be bothered
By a couple more.
Until you found
#vsspoem prompt for November 6th, 2024: Pretend
Your legs, for years,
I carried you,
And then you ran away —
Don't pretend
You did not use me.
Waiting for the sun,
#vsspoem prompt for November 5th, 2024: Naught
Behind the clouds
Naught but blue.
Bleeding constants,
#vsspoem prompt for November 4th, 2024: Bleed
Lost our way —
Were it real
It would not ever