
Showing prompts for June 21st, 2024 until July 10th, 2024.

nothing, solace, recognize, circle, example, fear, hour, functional, breeze, rain, adversity, altruist, tantalizing, dismantle, heartbreak, token, overcome, demon, survive
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Ruins of Happiness

What it takes to survive
And what it takes to succeed
Lie the ruins of happiness.

#vsspoem prompt for July 10th, 2024: Survive

The Windowsill

I watch the demons
On both sides of the windowsill
Holding the mirror of my mind —
On one side burn the fires
Through all that I control,
And the other side,
Though darker,
Is life.

#vsspoem prompt for July 9th, 2024: Demon

The Heart Remembers

Years and distance —
Real is real,
And real persists.
Worlds may break,
Dreams may shatter,
Blood may thin,
But true love
The heart remembers.

#vsspoem prompt for July 8th, 2024: Overcome

Keeping Up Appearances

I'll give it my best
Token effort,
Keeping up appearances —
Too drained
To even want to

#vsspoem prompt for July 7th, 2024: Token

Picture Of Me

I really like this picture of me,
At the edge of heartbreak —
You and me, destined for misery.
A perfect moment, heading for
Our darkest day, and yet,
Despite all that came after,
I still love this picture of me.

#vsspoem prompt for July 6th, 2024: Heartbreak ?


Think on what we have become.
Societies? Led communities —
Hierarchies designed to benefit
The privileged few on top.
Rich tapestries of cultures
Dismantled into one.

#vsspoem prompt for July 5th, 2024: Dismantle

Rocky Shores

Caught behind walls of lies,
Tainted truths so tantalizing —
Riding out the waves that brought us
To the rocky shores of doubt,
Anything not to lose our way,
Or drift any further out.

#vsspoem prompt for July 4th, 2024: Tantalizing

Karmaless Altruist

A karmaless altruist —
Gifting painful truths
I may not always have
Your best interest at heart,
But will always tell you
How it is.

#vsspoem prompt for July 3rd, 2024: Altruist

With You

Solemn in the face of adversity —
No dark-flavored emotions.
I am with you.

#vsspoem prompt for July 1st, 2024: Adversity

Follow The Sun

Running from rain
We follow the sun —
Craving the light
Where water is life.

#vsspoem prompt for June 30th, 2024: Rain

Take The Heat

Give me the cold breeze,
You may take the heat.

#vsspoem prompt for June 29th, 2024: Breeze

Roads To Recovery

Paving roads to recovery
I'm bound to first
Run down and bury
The last functional parts of me.

#vsspoem prompt for June 28th, 2024: Functional

Darkest Hour

In my darkest hour —
Breathe shame
And radiate

#vsspoem prompt for June 27th, 2024: Hour

All Of Me

At my lowest, I will preach
But not believe —
This fear ain't all of me.

#vsspoem prompt for January 26th, 2024: Fear

The Bad Example

At heart we're all still
Little kids that talk too much —
Walking the walk
We're taught to walk,
Next in line to set
The bad example.

#vsspoem prompt for June 25th, 2024: Example

Peace Of Heart

There is a rhythm to the world,
A pattern to its melody —
A multitude of verses
Circling back to a chorus.
Even in all freedom
We crave the familiar,
Always returning
To its peace of heart.

#vsspoem prompt for June 24th, 2024: Circle

Cry With Me

Cry with me, I feel the same
Parallel truths and values —
Recognized, validated,
Single minded, if only
This one moment in time.

#vsspoem prompt for June 23rd, 2024: Recognize

The Shape Of Loss

Absence in the shape of loss,
Memories of pain long faded.
Puzzles incomplete, sitting
With countless missing pieces —
Seeking solace in the simple fact
That some were never there,
While knowing
That most of them
Were you.

#vsspoem prompt for June 22nd, 2024: Solace


If you are
What you have,
You are nothing —
If you are
But a purpose,
Even less.

#vsspoem prompt for June 21st, 2024: Nothing
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