
Showing prompts for April 5th, 2024 until April 24th, 2024.

tyranny, bluster, unite, elation, gracious, aimless, idle, profanity, unsee, plastic, garden, woe, debris, descend, induce, sail, outweigh, ingrain, harbinger, tumultuous
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Like The Ocean

Like the ocean,
Deep, tumultuous,
Unfathomably wide —
Right here, right now,
Such is my love
For you.

#vsspoem prompt for April 24th, 2024: Tumultuous

The Death Of Reason

Laws of relativity,
Socially applied.
Raised to always get our way,
We've lived to see
The death of reason —
Better lives we never earned
Of harder times to come.

#vsspoem prompt for April 23rd, 2024: Harbinger

Live, Care, Die

Socially ingrained —
Live for your fathers,
Care for your mothers,
Die for your fellow men.

#vsspoem prompt for April 22nd, 2024: Ingrain

Will The World

My grief, my pain
Outweigh all else —
I rage, I scream,
And will the world
To stop.

#vsspoem prompt for April 21st, 2024: Outweigh

The Whim

Never questioned
Who I am.
I am the whim
That sails the moment,
Taking success and failure
For what it is —
Shades of existence
In the light
Of our ever-setting sun.

#vsspoem prompt for April 20th, 2024: Sail


Burning spasms,
Crawling down
My trachea.
One week in,
And worsening —
Common cold,
How I hate ya.

#vsspoem prompt for April 19th, 2024: Induce

Descending Order

Morals in descending order,
What you see is what is shown —
Thank goodness we are not exposed
To the depravity they practice
When they are alone.

#vsspoem prompt for April 18th, 2024: Descend

Two Breaths

For two breaths,
The chatter silences —
A hundred eyes follow
Cheese plates clattering,
The brie, debris flying,
Waiters crying out in shock —
Then it picks back up,
The mess
Not theirs to clean.

#vsspoem prompt for April 17th, 2024: Debris

Woe To Me

Woe to you
Is woe to me —
One at heart,
In happiness
Or misery.

#vsspoem prompt for April 16th, 2024: Woe

The Garden

Dressing up the garden,
Raising up its walls.
Nurturing the weeds
To achieve a sense
Of normalcy —
Nothing is infallible
After all.

#vsspoem prompt for April 15th, 2024: Garden

The Plastic Dream

Out now,
Get yours,
Come see —
A limited edition
Once in a lifetime
Get out of
Your working class life
Free card,
With every copy
Of the plastic dream.

#vsspoem prompt for April 14th, 2024: Plastic


The silence of the monotone,
Drowning out the world —
In the heart of the action,
The center of attention,
In the zone,

#vsspoem prompt for April 13th, 2024: Unsee

For Accuracy

For accuracy,
When quoting me,
Please include my
Fucking profanity.

#vsspoem prompt for April 12th, 2024: Profanity

Idle Hands

Celebrate idle hands,
Praise be the thinkers. —
The devil's in the details,
After all.

#vsspoem prompt for April 11th, 2024: Idle

Between Moments

Bridge days between moments,
Breaths lost in time —
I’m wasteful, I'm useless,
Drifting aimless,
But feeling mighty fine.

#vsspoem prompt for April 10th, 2024: Aimless

Gracious Fronts

Gracious fronts with
Poisonous depths —
Converse, smile,
But watch your back.

#vsspoem prompt for April 9th, 2024: Gracious

The Drop

The precipice
Conquered —
Now comes the drop.

#vsspoem prompt for April 8th, 2024: Elation

Burning Bridges

Should have,
Could have,
Might have beens —
Burning bridges,
Former friends and enemies.

#vsspoem prompt for April 7th, 2024: Unite

Spinning Tales

Truth seeker,
Lore keeper,
Crafter of lies —
Spinning tales,
Muting bluster,
Opening eyes.

#vsspoem prompt for April 6th, 2024: Bluster

The Rules

There's we who do,
And the tyranny
Of those who can't —
Who make the rules.

#vsspoem prompt for April 5th, 2024: Tyranny
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