Showing prompts for January 9th, 2021 until January 27th, 2021.
Where optimism fails,
#vsspoem prompt for January 27th, 2021: Cluster
Problems cluster.
True love,
#vsspoem prompt for January 25th, 2021: Wilt
To be the sun
In seasons, dark —
Ignorant of summer.
Shadow-wilted faithful heart,
Your roots
Will never take.
A smile, unfelt,
#vsspoem prompt for July 10th, 2021: Fake
So unconvincing —
Can't you tell
How fake
My happiness is?
Thoughts like
#vsspoem prompt for January 25th, 2021: Edge
Burned toast,
Or life itself —
Dark around the edges.
In search of the unknowable,
Blindly sailing
The middle-distance.
However generous they seem —
#vsspoem prompt for Janary 24th, 2021: Generous
Value not those acts
Which cannot be repaid
But with money.
No mercy for those
#vsspoem prompt for January 23rd, 2021: Mercy
Weak, like me —
Grant us
Our due punishment.
Tingling sensations,
#vsspoem prompt for January 22nd, 2021: Prelude
Unfamiliar instincts
Kicking in —
A prelude to discovery.
Celebrate each small step.
#vsspoem prompt for January 20th, 2021: Inch
Praise every little miracle.
Even tiny blessings count —
Inch on.
Destiny, self-promises —
#vsspoem prompt for January 19th, 2021: Promise
Wait for them
To come to you
And die to see them
Anything worth having
#vsspoem prompt for January 18th, 2021: Bitter
Should also be
Worth losing —
You cannot have
The sweet
Without the bitter.
Job, not duty —
#vsspoem prompt for January 16th, 2021: Modern
Modern-day survival.
Nine-to-five hunting/gathering,
Zombie days
With zero fucks to give.
Heritage worn proud
#vsspoem prompt for January 15th, 2021: Heritage
Like an armor —
Something nothing,
No one
Can ever change.
Do not fool yourself.
#vsspoem prompt for January 14th, 2020: Praise
Despite the praise,
You are nothing special —
A mere setting sun
Dressed in pretty colors
Until nightfall.
Solutions made of
#vsspoem prompt for January 12th, 2021: Cyclic
Empty changes —
Cyclic issues,
Trading places
In a never-ending dance.
Round and round we go.
Walk the thin line
#vsspoem prompt for January 11th, 2021: Bravado
Between bravadoes and dont's —
Take life as it comes.
Fallen victim to a truth
#vsspoem prompt for January 10th, 2021: Deserve
So poetic, it hurts —
No more than I desired,
So much less than I deserved.
Top of mind
#vsspoem prompt for January 9th, 2021: Wits
At wits end —
Where the forest
Meets the plains.