
Showing prompts for June 4th, 2021 until June 23rd, 2021.

scene, answer, mighty, cruelty, recreate, invention, shift, hold, omit, fuck, superb, before, never, root, normal, bother, nevermind, instrument, lest, ache
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Little Aches

May happiness
Soothe our sorrows
And little aches remind us
We're alive.

#vsspoem prompt for June 23rd, 2021: Ache

Happiness, Though Fragile

Don't force it
Lest you break it —
Though fragile,
Should come easy.

#vsspoem prompt for June 22nd, 2021: Lest

Instruments of Hate

We forge
Our instruments of hate
In the shadow of the flame.

#vsspoem prompt for June 21st, 2021: Instrument


Did you not see the sign?
That most dangerous of warnings,
Most often misconstrued
As validation —

#vsspoem prompt for June 20th, 2021: Nevermind

The Bother

If you'll resent
The bother.

#vsspoem prompt for June 19th, 2021: Bother

The Ever-changing Normal

Refuting that we're
Made for change,
We seek patterns in
The ever-changing normal.

#vsspoem prompt for June 18th, 2021: Normal

Blue On Black

Cotton dots on shrouds of white,
Sailing oceans blue on black —
The ever, at the edge of sight
Where fear can't root
And dreams find meaning.

#vsspoem prompt for June 17th, 2021: Root

A Place of Fear

Never is
A place of fear.

#vsspoem prompt for June 16th, 2021: Never

Before the Pain

Close my eyes
And pray that
I'll be gone
Before the pain.

#vsspoem prompt for June 15th, 2021: Before

Death Throes

A turn off winds
Is all it takes,
Fates once superb disintegrate
To wailing songs of bitterness —
Death throes of the
Disillusioned privileged.

#vsspoem prompt for June 14th, 2021: Superb

Fuck Subtlety

I don't do hints,
Fuck subtlety —
Must be worded,
In order to be
Recognized and understood.

#vsspoem prompt for June 13th, 2021: Fuck

Each Shard

Treasure each
Shard of heart,
Even those long since
Omitted from reality —
They are as vital
As what remains.

#vsspoem prompt for June 12th, 2021: Omit

Press and Hold

Press and hold
To talk.

#vsspoem prompt for June 11th, 2021: Hold

Blame Shifts

Forgiveness' guise
Blame shifts.

#vsspoem prompt for June 10th, 2021: Shift

Nuclear Apes

Were there a creator,
I'd question his intentions
For us nuclear apes,
Granted the power of invention.

#vsspoem prompt for June 9th, 2021: Invention

Compelled to Recreate

Caught in an echo —
Compelled to recreate
Our glory days.

#vsspoem prompt for June 8th, 2021: Recreate

Love and Cruelty

There are no bridges
Between love
And cruelty.

#vsspoem prompt for June 7th, 2021: Cruelty


Envy brings even
The mighty

#vsspoem prompt for June 6th, 2021: Mighty

Answer Is A Verb

Answer is a verb.

#vsspoem prompt for June 5th, 2021: Answer

Flawed Perspective

Colored scenes,
Dirtied lenses —
Evil is
A flawed perspective.

#vsspoem prompt for June 4th, 2021: Scene
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