Showing prompts for August 17th, 2021 until September 5th, 2021.
It's your life —
#vsspoem prompt for September 5th, 2021: Life
You cannot
Be told what matters.
They might tell us
#vsspoem prompt for September 4th, 2021: Button
What to do,
But it is
We who push the button.
Scorn not
#vsspoem prompt for September 3rd, 2021: Assess
The decency of others
Without first
Assessing your own.
Not all who desire try,
#vsspoem prompt for September 2nd, 2021: Deed
Yet, most who can't, pretend.
Not me, I'll act and own the deed —
Failure or success —
For this dream,
It's all mine.
It's not the gift that wins a heart,
#vsspoem prompt for September 1st, 2021: Gesture
At most, it grants a lease —
Worth lies in the gesture,
Not the things.
Love me, hate me,
#vsspoem prompt for August 31st, 2021: Praise
Praise me, damn me —
But do it while I'm here.
Unmade choices
#vsspoem prompt for August 30th, 2021: Carve
Cut deepest,
Carving paths not taken
Into borders never to be
Crossed again.
What we crave
#vsspoem prompt for August 29th, 2021: Return
Is to be loved,
Yet, what we learn
Is how to hurt —
How mistakes
Get amplified,
Then are returned.
Crutch nor cane
#vsspoem prompt for August 28th, 2021: Crutch
To help us stand,
Chute nor net
To break our fall,
Unsecured or not at all —
Say Geronimo.
Half way through
#vsspoem prompt for August 27th, 2021: Book
The book of life
Without so much as a clue
What it's about.
A single step
#vsspoem prompt for August 26th, 2021: Fail
Taken back
Won't move us forward,
Fear of failure paralyzes —
What we need are
Second tries,
Not second chances.
Never stop failing.
We stare at blank walls
#vsspoem prompt for August 25th, 2021: Window
With our backs to
A window of change.
Regret nor repentance
#vsspoem prompt for August 24th, 2021: Repent
Ever changed a thing.
Limited choices
#vsspoem prompt for August 23rd, 2021: Possibility
May still hold
Endless possibilities.
If not once,
#vsspoem prompt for August 22nd, 2021: After
Then not always —
At most, ever after.
#vsspoem prompt for August 21st, 2021: Unintended
Rarely means
Solitary consequence.
Save the rare spoiler
vsspoem prompt for August 20th, 2021: Spoiler
We'll never know
How our story ends.
#vsspoem prompt for August 19th, 2021: World
There's a world
Beyond your senses.
Bound in chains of virtue
#vsspoem prompt for August 18th, 2021: Virtue
To keep us from
The path of sin.
A blissless life,
A life unlived —
Lead us out of emptiness
Into temptation.
The soul receives,
#vsspoem prompt for August 17th, 2021: Amplify
The heart amplifies —
Frequencies brave the distance
Across space and time.
I feel you.