
Showing prompts for July 29th, 2020 until August 18th, 2020.

lapse, generous, despite, cliche, lesson, repeat, misery, practice, bounce, villain, vanish, echo, plummet, cheese, soul, forget, heatwave, fleeting, passenger, flaw
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Best features

My flaws include
Some of my
Best features.

#vsspoem prompt for August 18th, 2020: Flaw

Seek companions

On route to happiness,
Seek companions —
Not passengers.

#vsspoem prompt for August 17th, 2020: Passenger


Do not
Get stuck on loss —
Life, like love and beauty
Is too fleeting.

#vsspoem prompt for August 16th, 2020: Fleeting


A necessary evil,
An undesired taste.
Welcomed like a dark cloud
In a heatwave —
Reluctant and temporary.

#vsspoem prompt for August 15th, 2020: Heatwave

Dark momentum

This dark momentum,
The forward rage we ride
Started out a breeze,
A mere soothing
Wind of change —
Back in the long-forgotten
Age of innocence.

#vsspoem prompt for August 14th, 2020: Forget


Revel in unbound addiction —
Feed the flame
Until but ash remains.

#vsspoem prompt for August 13th, 2020: Soul

Sell the cow

One should not
Sell the cow
To buy
A cheese.

#vsspoem prompt for August 12th, 2020: Cheese

Where only darkness lies

Even the brave
Blindly plummet
Into depths
Where only
Darkness lies.

#vsspoem prompt for August 11th, 2020: Plummet

Echo answered

When Absence
Called the space between,
Only Echo answered.
"It's like I am
Not even here."
Even here.

#vsspoem prompt for August 10th, 2020: Echo


What has been
Seen, heard, or felt,
Will never fully vanish.

#vsspoem prompt for August 9th, 2020: Vanish


Is a

#vsspoem prompt for August 8th, 2020: Villain

Rubber soul

My rubber soul —
Hit me
With all you have
And I'll happily
Bounce along.

#vsspoem prompt for August 7th, 2020: Bounce

Less genuine

The more practiced,
The less genuine.

#vsspoem prompt for August 6th, 2020: Practice

Choose your own

Your own

#vsspoem prompt for August 5th, 2020: Misery

Silent melodies

Emotion, bleeding.
Words unspoken.
Silent melodies of love,
Until the heart
Gives in — or out.

#vsspoem prompt for August 4th, 2020: Repeat

Worth learning

But one lesson
Is worth learning —
There are none.

#vsspoem prompt for August 3rd, 2020: Lesson

Poor taste

Not all roses are red,
Not all violets are blue.
Not all clichés
Are in poor taste,
When properly used.

#vsspoem prompt for August 2nd, 2020: Cliche

Despite myself

Happy —
Despite myself

#vsspoem prompt for August 1st, 2020: Despite

Naught but kindness

Praise those generous,
With naught to share
But kindness.

#vsspoem prompt for July 31st, 2020: Generous

Leap or Lapse

The challenge
Reveals truth,
A leap- or lapse of faith —
Let us see
Who believes.

#vsspoem prompt for July 29th, 2020: Lapse
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