
Showing prompts for October 19th, 2020 until November 7th, 2020.

shade, transform, claim, breath, strength, bark, treacherous, necessity, remember, incision, shatter, adrenaline, evil, night, spectator, sepia, amaze, incentive, effort, hate
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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For You

You may hate me for it,
But know
I'm doing this
For you.

#vsspoem prompt for November 7th, 2020: Hate

The Smallest Dream

Tend to even
The smallest dream
With tender loving care.
It matters not
If they might prove
Roadmaps to a better life,
Or mere
Reality-defying fantasies —
What's born out of love,
Is always worth
The effort.

#vsspoem promptf for November 6th, 2020: Effort

Leave the Carrot

Reject the incentive —
Leave the carrot,
Chase the stick.

#vsspoem prompt for November 5th, 2020: Incentive

Turns of Fate

Reunited with a self
A million turns of fate
From where I stand —
I am amazed
That I got to
Where I am.

#vsspoem prompt for November 4th, 2020: Amaze

Path to Winter

Sepia Trees frame
The path to Winter,
Still shivering
From summer joys.
Pleasant thoughts
To brave the cold —
Warm enough to last
Until Spring
Arrives once more.

#vsspoem prompt for November 3rd, 2020: Sepia

A Mere Spectator

Too tired to care about
The when, why, and where,
I sit back —
Reduce myself
To be a mere spectator,
Waiting for the end.

#vsspoem prompt for November 2nd, 2020: Spectator

The Long Night of the Soul

Even in brightest daylight,
The long night of the soul

#vsspoem prompt for November 1st, 2020: Night

From All Evil

You can hide
From all evil
But that born
Out of the hate

#vsspoem prompt for October 31st, 2020: Evil

Before the Pain

Adrenaline shock —
Watching an inevitable end
Drawn out in slow-motion,
Knowing you'll be gone
Before the pain.

#vsspoem prompt for October 30th, 2020: Adrenaline

Feel It Shatter

Torn black nails
Dug deep into
Shredded skin,
Squeezing the
Precious fragile soul —
Lusting to feel it shatter.

#vsspoem prompt for October 29th, 2020: Shatter

Small Incision

One small incision —
All it takes
To bleed away
Your life.

#vsspoem prompt for October 28th, 2020: Incision

Never Was

Remember —
What could have been,
Never was.

#vsspoem prompt for October 27th, 2020: Remember

Temporal Necessities

Like loathed lessons,
Learned solely
To pass a test —
Temporal necessities,
Not to be recalled again.

#vsspoem prompt for October 26th, 2020: Necessity

Love is Treacherous

Do not let its beauty
Soothe you —
Love is treacherous.

#vsspoem prompt for October 25th, 2020: Treacherous

Fear Barking

You don't scare me —
It's just your fear

#vsspoem prompt for October 24th, 2020: Bark

Autumn Sun

Like the Autumn Sun,
Tired of smiling —
I no longer
Have the strength.

#vsspoem prompt for October 23rd, 2020: Strength

Breath Caught

Breath caught
Between a sigh
And a whisper.
"Kiss me again."

#vsspoem prompt for October 22n, 2020: Breath

Left To Lose

Beware those
Claiming otherwise —
There is always something
Left to lose,
And you'll never know
Once it is gone.

#vsspoem prompt for October 21st, 2020: Claim

White Knuckles Ease

When it dawns,
She transforms.
Shoulders slump,
White knuckles ease,
And serenity becomes her.
A smile betrays
She knows —
No longer
Does she need
To give a fuck.

#vsspoem prompt for October 20th, 2020: Transform

Appreciation Shifts

As we age,
Appreciation shifts
From life's color
To its shading.

#vsspoem prompt for October 19th, 2020: Shade
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