
Showing prompts for June 3rd, 2023 until June 22nd, 2023.

invalidate, grayscale, whim, bleach, boil, pile, exaggerate, killer, inebriated, lust, normalcy, season, withstand, arrow, sing, confounded, game, author, unbidden, barricade
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Can't Touch

You can't touch me,
Stop trying —
I'll add another lock
To my barricade
For every key you find.

#vsspoem prompt for June 22nd, 2023: Barricade


Foretold, yet unbidden —
Such needed,
Unwelcome wonderfulness,
At such an inopportune time.

#vsspoem prompt for June 21st, 2023: Unbidden


Tell you, love? No.
I'm an author —
I show.

#vsspoem prompt for June 20th, 2023: Author

Never A Game

It's true —
Love knows play,
Love knows loss,
But it is never
A game.

#vsspoem prompt for June 19th, 2023: Game


Is it real,
Is it deep enough,
Is it worth the emotion
If you're not
Confounded by love?

#vsspoem prompt for June 18th, 2023: Confounded

Old Songs

Just a few notes,
And you're back again —
Singing along the old songs,
The old pain.

#vsspoem prompt for June 17th, 2023: Sing

Hope Arrows

Fear shifts along
Your every move,
Where hope arrows —
Don't miss it.

#vsspoem prompt for June 16th, 2023: Arrow

All That Rains

No heart, no home, no happiness,
No shelter withstands
All that rains.

#vsspoem prompt for June 15th, 2023: Withstand


Seasons the reward.

#vsspoem prompt for June 14th, 2023: Season

In Case Of Normalcy

In case of normalcy,
Break the looking glass —
Release the you who still dreams.

#vsspoem prompt for June 13th, 2023: Normalcy

Fled Inside

Shelter in the dark.
Safety where the light,
The world,
The lust
Can't touch —
An inner child
Fled inside,
Forever on the run.

#vsspoem promptJune 12th, 2023: Lust

The Inebriated Dream

Just another Monday afternoon.
Two old drunks,
Drinking warm cervezas on the beach.
Killing germs, and tanning leather —
No, not retired, a lifelong siesta,
Living the inebriated dream.

#vsspoem prompt for June 11th, 2023: Inebriated

The Killer Underneath

Friendly eyes, aglow with joy,
A radiant smile —
They saw the teeth,
Not the killer underneath.

#vsspoem prompt for June 10th, 2023: Killer


Pad the message,
Flood the space —
Exaggerate, exaggerate.
Lay your claim.

#vsspoem prompt for June 9th, 2023: Exaggerate

Bury Me

Piling up wishes, promises —
Perceived needs —
With open heart
I claim the weight,
And bury me.

#vsspoem prompt for June 8th, 2023: Pile

Close The Lid

Close the lid
On this boiling pot of
Evolved beings,
Killing for the golden seat —
We're clearly not done yet.

#vsspoem prompt for June 7th, 2023: Boil

Shared Space

Worlds at crossroads,
Lives convergent
Throughout eternity.
A tapestry of braided knots,
Bleached, divergent histories —
Ideology, culture, ethnicity,
Futility colliding
In the shared space between.

#vsspoem prompt for June 6th, 2023: Bleach

Mess Of Letters

Were this all I'd leave behind,
Could you still see this life
Amidst my mess of letters —
Scrambled, glued together
By a thousand moments' whims?
To decipher me, even I
Would not know where to begin.

#vsspoem prompt for June 5th, 2023: Whim

Rainbow Hearts

Rainbow hearts in grayscale palettes,
Brightness levels set to nine.
Celebrating every flavor —
One month, no love left behind.

#vsspoem prompt for June 4th, 2023: Grayscale

Sun Sets

And still we say
The sun rises.
Still we say
The sun sets —
Invalidated, ancient concepts
Used so often,
They've burned into our heads.

#vsspoem prompt for June 3rd, 2023: Invalidate

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