Showing prompts for October 17th, 2021 until November 6th, 2021.
Acknowledging life is
#vsspoem prompt for November 6th, 2021: Concept
A collection of moments,
Rarely experienced in order,
Tell me —
What is the value
Of our concept of time?
It's not a journey —
#vsspoem prompt for November 5th, 2021: Deliberate
At least, not a deliberate one —
This push towards maturity.
Mama, take me home.
All weighing us down
#vsspoem prompt for November 4th, 2021: Vessel
But drags these mortal vessels.
On the river Styx
No soul will run aground.
No chains locked in place,
No deeds prevent
The toll we face —
Eternity the currency,
Contribution due for days consumed.
Charon waits.
Value none but one may see,
#vsspoem prompt for November 3rd, 2021: Idol
Disposable contentment —
Plastic sealed, bubble wrapped
Idols of false meaning.
Material envy, greed —
#vsspoem prompt for November 2nd, 2021: Material
Emotional connections to the soulless.
A path of loss,
A life of grief.
We may not seem much,
#vsspoem prompt for November 1st, 2021: Fertile
Not yet,
But we are they
From whose dreams will
Spring forth the seeds
To fertilize the Galaxy.
Blinding, bleak anticipation,
#vsspoem prompt for October 31st, 2021: Anticipation
All beyond the grass is gray —
Where predatory circumstance
Patiently seeks its chance
To steal our moment back again.
Her face, like the moon’s
#vsspoem prompt for October 29th, 2021: Reflect
Reflected another’s light,
Her eyes, like the stars,
Stood distant.
You may watch
#vsspoem prompt for October 28th, 2021: Watch
The same stars as me
And still see
A different light.
Compassion is believing,
#vsspoem prompt for October 27th, 2021: Compass
Embracing, not receiving —
Your compass to humanity
Is giving without reserve,
Without expecting a return.
Most talk ain't conversation,
#vsspoem prompt for October 26th, 2021: Luggage
Like most luggage ain't supplies.
Yesterday failed,
#vsspoem prompt for October 25th, 2021: Yesterday
So we fear tomorrow
And we hate today —
Nowhere to go,
No place to stay.
Through the fissures bleeds the sound,
#vsspoem prompt for October 24th, 2021: Melancholy
A siren song of misery
In words a broken heart can't speak,
Drowning souls in melancholy.
Captured where the warmth has fled,
#vsspoem prompt for October 23rd, 2021: Capture
Shivering, afraid to break
The final strands of perseverance
Tying rationality
To bittersweet nostalgia.
Silent tendrils of temptation
#vsspoem prompt for October 22nd, 2021: Tendril
Seeking naught but warm embrace,
Selfless, faceless, unintended
Frozen in our desolation.
Muted light, cast as shadow,
#vsspoem prompt for October 21st, 2021: Silhouette
Silhouettes of life, forgotten —
Broken promises of self,
Manifest in longing.
Hearts wither,
#vsspoem prompt for October 20th, 2021: #Wither
Love remains.
Defying conventions,
#vsspoem prompt for October 19th, 2021: Convention
Logic, and patterns —
It need not make sense
To bring happiness.
Given enough context
#vsspoem prompt for October 18th, 2021: Given
Little choice
Is still a choice.