Showing prompts for September 1st, 2023 until September 20th, 2023.
You are
#vsspoem prompt for September 20th, 2023: Single
So many things
I despise —
And yet, you draw me in
With that single thing I like.
You know,
#vsspoem prompt for September 19th, 2023: Overrated
Sometimes words are overrated —
After all, did I not tell you
How much
It meant to me?
Rocks without the sheen,
#vsspoem prompt for September 18th, 2023: Sheen
Gold without the gleam,
Fire without the heat —
Burned up and washed out.
Mirror, tell me that's not me.
Throwaway morals,
#vsspoem prompt for September 17th, 2023: Throwaway
Rooted in I —
Kindness, a quality
Go on, hit the gas
#vsspoem prompt for September 16th, 2023: Train
And drive that train
Straight off the tracks —
I but hold back
The self-destructive ones I love,
And I brought popcorn.
I'd hold on,
#vsspoem prompt for September 15th, 2023: World
But there's holes in me,
And through them
Leaks the world.
Let go, release —
#vsspoem prompt for September 14th, 2023: Relief
Cracked burdens
Spill relief.
Arguing in one dimension —
#vsspoem prompt for September 13th, 2023: Dimension
Anger killed
Any chance of depth.
Convictions made of sand —
#vsspoem prompt for September 12th, 2023: Shoreline
Like how the shoreline
Breaks the ocean,
It matters where you
Make your stand.
Mental constructs, inclinations,
#vsspoem prompt for September 11th, 2023: Simultaneous
We are caught, but not in cages,
Prisoners of the parts we play —
Accused, judge, and jury,
Predator and prey.
Inmate, guard, and warden
Any fucking day.
Without worry,
#vsspoem prompt for September 10th, 2023: Worry
What is there to think about?
And without thought
We would not live like this.
No other —
#vsspoem prompt for September 9th, 2023: Elicit
Imagined, encountered,
Past, present, or future —
Could ever elicit
The feelings I lost,
Losing you.
Love, affection,
#vsspoem prompt for September 8th, 2023: Frame
Bought to care for.
Loneliness in golden frames —
Without you my empty life
Would not have been the same.
No shortcut's worthwhile —
#vsspoem prompt for September 7th, 2023: Shortcut
All I admire
Came the long way.
The lie collapsed
#vsspoem prompt for September 6th, 2023: Crisis
Half life crisis,
Cracked pink glasses —
Gray, unrelenting,
Floods back in.
A human invention,
#vsspoem prompt for September 5th, 2023: Feedback
Success is a construct,
A feedback-looped
Closed circle jerk —
Gather round,
Pat your neighbor on the back
Until the hive mind
Shares but one intention.
Black and white,
#vsspoem prompt for September 4th, 2023: Species
Day and night,
Dark and light —
For good, for bad,
We're hardwired to be
A pattern-seeking species.
Little signals,
#vsspoem prompt for September 3rd, 2023: Monitor
Biting, guiding,
Giving voice to what's inside —
Undervalued, feared, and hated,
Monitoring our precious lives.
Chasing the premium,
#vsspoem prompt for September 2nd, 2023: Deluxe
Deluxe and supreme —
Craving the comfort,
The good life
Exclusive to VIPs.
From the crypt
#vsspoem prompt for September 1st, 2023: Crypt
Not the heart —
Buried love,
Words spit in pain,
Irreconcilably apart.