
Showing prompts for July 25th, 2020 until July 20th, 2020.

borrow, fancy, notice, mercy, consume, lush, fatal, vocal
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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A song in my heart

There's a song in my heart —
Blast beats, death metal vocals,
Telling me
To get the fuck out
And live.

#vsspoem prompt for July 20th, 2020: Vocal


At the very top
The single path higher
Takes a fatal drop.

#vsspoem prompt for July 21st, 2020: Fatal


A summer
Suited for the living —
Green and lush,
Deemed disappointing.
What strange creatures
We've become.

#vsspoem prompt for July 22nd, 2020: Lush


Do more
Than consume.

#vsspoem prompt for July 23rd, 2020: Consume

Cry my mercy

Fear my wrath,
Cry my mercy —
Right this wrong
Or watch your heavens

#vsspoem prompt for July 24th, 2020: Mercy

Distance Grows

Too close
To see all of me —
The less noticed,
The more
Our distance grows.

#vsspoem prompt for July 26th, 2020: Notice


Her unleashed mind
Caught my fancy.

#vsspoem prompt for July 27th, 2020: Fancy

Leather Bound

Once upon a times,
Captured moments,
Leather bound —
Just add imagination.

#vsspoem prompt for July 25th, 2020: Borrow
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