Showing prompts for May 17th, 2020 until April 28th, 2020.
Time leashes
#vsspoem prompt for April 28th, 2020: Features
All whose
Best features
Show in reflections.
Originality —
#vsspoem prompt for April 29th, 2020: Originality
The art of obscuring
The ways in which
You shuffled and twisted
The known
To make it
Seem new.
Her moods, unpredictable.
#vsspoem prompt for May 1st, 2020: Insatiable
My hunger, insatiable —
Our love built
On foundations, unstable.
Respect is
#vsspoem prompt for May 3rd, 2020: Anger
Making the effort
To understand
Another's anger.
I learned
All about yours
But doubt
You'll ever
Take the time
To know mine.
Her happiness,
#vsspoem prompt for May 4th, 2020: Fragile
Even fragile and tainted —
Rainbows set against
Black skies —
Could set my soul alight.
Victorious I fall —
#vsspoem prompt for May 5th, 2020: Sear
What healed my heart
Seared my soul.
Hate stains,
#vsspoem prompt for May 6th, 2020: Permeate
Dark marks on our society.
Ignored, they'll permeate.
Stop the rot —
Unaware the
#vsspoem prompt for May 6th, 2020: Mortal
Truth behind his ravings,
None but the one
Branded a madman
Saw beauty
Mortal words
Fail to express.
Pause and reflect
#vsspoem prompt for May 8th, 2020: Hunt
On what it is
You hunt —
Would it even
Still your hunger?
No kindness,
#vsspoem prompt for May 10th, 2020: United
No support —
Condemned by my own.
Who are we if not united?
#vsspoem prompt for May 11th, 2020: Splinter
The infected finger.
Neatly bandaged,
Yet throbbing —
Still holding
The splinter.
Where can we hide
#vsspoem prompt for May 12th, 2020: Dream
When even in dreams
The pain
Finds us?
Identity forsaken —
#vsspoem prompt for May 13th, 2020: Uniform
In the new world
The norm
Is uniformity.
She is the single
#vsspoem prompt for May 14th, 2020: Melancholy
Dark cloud
Standing out against
A clear night's sky —
Melancholy incarnate,
Gazing down
With eyes of starlight.
Life is motion,
#vsspoem prompt for May 16th, 2020: Advance
Success a direction —
Not a destination.
You may advance
But can't ever