
Showing prompts for June 24th, 2020 until June 5th, 2020.

approval, matter, lens, bestow, apathy, dance, disdain, mock, choice, cycle, covet, indulge, balance, plenty, scratch, celebrate, reprieve, misled, pillow, ever
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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As it's ever been

All remains
As it's ever been —
Only the labels changed.

#vsspoem prompt for June 5th, 2020: Ever


Come closer —
Let me be
Your pillow.

#vsspoem prompt for June 6th, 2020: Pillow

It's a game

Do not be misled.
There are
Losers —
It's a game.

#vsspoem prompt for June 7th, 2020: Misled

Without reprieve

Although life is a
Predictable hell
Without reprieve,
It is still
The unknown
I fear most.

#vsspoem prompt for June 8th, 2020: Reprieve

Each tiny step

Claim the smallest reasons,
Celebrate each tiny step —
The next might never come
Or take forever.

#vsspoem prompt for june 9th, 2020: Celebrate


Scratch as I may,
The itch

#vsspoem prompt for June 10th, 2020: Scratch


Only the naive think
That in the land of plenty
Everything is positive.

#vsspoem prompt for June 11th, 2020: Plenty


Atop unstable bridges,
Fearing the fall,
We raise our voices,
Drowning out the roar —
Deafening dark waters
Raging far below.

#vsspoem prompt for June 11th, 2020: Balance


We indulge,
Fully aware the cost
In blissful moments
Of ecstacy
To numb the pain —
If only temporary.

#vsspoem prompt for June 13th, 2020: Indulge

Consume us

Coveted dreams
Consume us.

#vsspoem prompt for June 14th, 2020: Covet

Step away

Abuse never stops.
Only you can
Break the cycle —
Step away,
Reconcile not.

#vsspoem prompt for June 15, 2020: Cycle

Misery a choice

Misery a choice —
Share the love
Or lack thereof.

#vsspoem prompt for June 16, 2020: Choice

Echo unheard

Ancient words,
Their meaning long lost,
Echo unheard —
Mocking the message
They once served.

#vsspoem prompt for June 17th, 2020: Mock

Painted smile

Crocodile tears
Washed the painted smile
From her hollow mask —
Nothing but disdain

#vsspoem prompt for June 18th, 2020: Disdain

Silent songs

Partners in a cautious dance
To silent songs —
Shames we hide
Twisting, twirling
Around the truth,
Matching steps
To fit the lie.

#vsspoem prompt for June 19th, 2020: Dance

Your apathy

Blind to me,
Your apathy
Makes me wonder —
Do my accomplishments
Not matter,
Or could it be
The problem
Is you?

#vsspoem prompt for June 20th, 2020: Apathy

Personal joy

How petty,
How self-centered —
Such tragedy
We bestow upon the world
In the absence
Of personal joy.

#vsspoem prompt for June 21st, 2020: Bestow

Burnt glass lenses

Seen through
Burnt glass lenses
The world appears
Darker than it is.

#vsspoem prompt for June 22nd, 2020: Lens

Intent matters

By what they
Do onto others.
Acts may be forgiven
But intent matters —
And before you do,
Know that goes
For reactions too.

#vsspoem prompt for June 23rd, 2020: Matter

You do you

Glare all you like —
I don't mind your disapproval.
You do you
But I'll be me.

#vsspoem prompt for June 24th, 2020: Approval
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