Showing prompts for June 24th, 2020 until June 5th, 2020.
All remains
#vsspoem prompt for June 5th, 2020: Ever
As it's ever been —
Only the labels changed.
Do not be misled.
#vsspoem prompt for June 7th, 2020: Misled
There are
Losers —
It's a game.
Although life is a
#vsspoem prompt for June 8th, 2020: Reprieve
Predictable hell
Without reprieve,
It is still
The unknown
I fear most.
Claim the smallest reasons,
#vsspoem prompt for june 9th, 2020: Celebrate
Celebrate each tiny step —
The next might never come
Or take forever.
Only the naive think
#vsspoem prompt for June 11th, 2020: Plenty
That in the land of plenty
Everything is positive.
#vsspoem prompt for June 11th, 2020: Balance
Atop unstable bridges,
Fearing the fall,
We raise our voices,
Drowning out the roar —
Deafening dark waters
Raging far below.
We indulge,
#vsspoem prompt for June 13th, 2020: Indulge
Fully aware the cost
In blissful moments
Of ecstacy
To numb the pain —
If only temporary.
Coveted dreams
#vsspoem prompt for June 14th, 2020: Covet
Consume us.
Abuse never stops.
#vsspoem prompt for June 15, 2020: Cycle
Only you can
Break the cycle —
Step away,
Reconcile not.
Misery a choice —
#vsspoem prompt for June 16, 2020: Choice
Share the love
Or lack thereof.
Ancient words,
#vsspoem prompt for June 17th, 2020: Mock
Their meaning long lost,
Echo unheard —
Mocking the message
They once served.
Crocodile tears
#vsspoem prompt for June 18th, 2020: Disdain
Washed the painted smile
From her hollow mask —
Nothing but disdain
Partners in a cautious dance
#vsspoem prompt for June 19th, 2020: Dance
To silent songs —
Shames we hide
Twisting, twirling
Around the truth,
Matching steps
To fit the lie.
#vsspoem prompt for June 20th, 2020: Apathy
Blind to me,
Your apathy
Makes me wonder —
Do my accomplishments
Not matter,
Or could it be
The problem
Is you?
How petty,
#vsspoem prompt for June 21st, 2020: Bestow
How self-centered —
Such tragedy
We bestow upon the world
In the absence
Of personal joy.
Seen through
#vsspoem prompt for June 22nd, 2020: Lens
Burnt glass lenses
The world appears
Darker than it is.
#vsspoem prompt for June 23rd, 2020: Matter
By what they
Do onto others.
Acts may be forgiven
But intent matters —
And before you do,
Know that goes
For reactions too.
Glare all you like —
#vsspoem prompt for June 24th, 2020: Approval
I don't mind your disapproval.
You do you
But I'll be me.