
Showing prompts for june 9th, 2020 until May 20th, 2020.

celebrate, reprieve, misled, pillow, ever, forge, weight, murder, origin, fidelity, security, wrath, enigmatic, shutter, emotion, float, inch, radiant, remain, vain
See an alphabetized list of all prompts

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Voice of reason

My voice of reason —
Hoarse with frustration,
Still screams at me
In vain.

#vsspoem prompt for May 20th, 2020: Vain

Silence that was you

But desolation
Remains —
The silence
That was you
To belong

#vsspoem prompt for May 22nd, 2020: Remain

Even darkness

To those with dreams,
Even darkness
Is radiant.

#vsspoem prompt for May 23rd, 2020: Radiant

Two steps ahead

Tired, worn,
Inching on —
Two steps ahead
The coming storm.

#vsspoem prompt for May 24th, 2020: Inch

Floats away

Not all we
Let go
Floats away.

#vsspoem prompt for May 25th, 2020: Float

A mirror

If writing
Is emotion
Reading poetry's
A mirror.

#vsspoem prompt for May 26th, 2020: Emotion

Golden dawn

…And outside
The shuttered windows
Rose a golden dawn.

#vsspoem prompt for May 27th, 2020: Shutter

Never land

"Come with me,
You can fly!"
The enigmatic stranger said.
Naive we took his hand —
Not knowing we would
Never land.

#vsspoem prompt for June 28th, 2020: Enigmatic


None but the guilty
Fear God's wrath
When lightning paints
The night's sky

#vsspoem prompt for May 29th, 2020: Wrath

Illusion of security

Those taught to fear
Will gladly trade
Liberty and truth
For the
Illusion of security.

#vsspoem prompt for May 30th, 2020: Security

Laws of attraction

Fidelity, commitment—
The laws of attraction
Do not care.

#vsspoem prompt for May 31st, 2020: Fidelity

Words of devotion

Don’t speak to me
Words of devotion
Not originating
In the heart.

#vsspoem prompt for June 1st, 2020: Origin

Bleak reality

Expectation murders
What might be —
Bleak reality.

#vsspoem prompt for June 2nd, 2020: Murder

This weight is mine

Even incapable to bear it,
This weight is mine —
I will not share it.

#vsspoem prompt for June 3rd, 2020: Weight

Forged from ash and fire

Beauty like
A setting sun,
Forged from
Ash and fire.
Her burning heart —
Almost spent,
Never to be won again.

#vsspoem prompt for June 4th, 2020: Forge

As it's ever been

All remains
As it's ever been —
Only the labels changed.

#vsspoem prompt for June 5th, 2020: Ever


Come closer —
Let me be
Your pillow.

#vsspoem prompt for June 6th, 2020: Pillow

It's a game

Do not be misled.
There are
Losers —
It's a game.

#vsspoem prompt for June 7th, 2020: Misled

Without reprieve

Although life is a
Predictable hell
Without reprieve,
It is still
The unknown
I fear most.

#vsspoem prompt for June 8th, 2020: Reprieve

Each tiny step

Claim the smallest reasons,
Celebrate each tiny step —
The next might never come
Or take forever.

#vsspoem prompt for june 9th, 2020: Celebrate
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